Combating Bad Breath

We all know that certain foods such as garlic or onions should be avoided when trying to keep your mouth fresh, but chronic bad breath goes deeper. Bad breath can be caused by bacteria that feed off of food particles in your mouth, especially on your tongue, between teeth and under gums.

If you are concerned about bad breath here are some tips that might help:

  • Brush at least twice a day and pay special attention to cleaning the tongue

  • Swish with an anti-bacterial mouthwash

  • Dipping your toothbrush in baking soda can kill bad breath odor

  • Chew sugarless gum instead of mint after eating out. The sugar from the mint can actually feed the odor-causing bacteria in your mouth.

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Snack on crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots, celery or apples

If you notice you are developing chronic bad breath, speak up at your next dental appointment. 90% of all halitosis is of oral origin. Often, it is caused by some form of gum disease, which is said to affect 74% of Americans.  Tooth decay can also cause bad breath. Dry Mouth Syndrome, a decrease in saliva production, can also be a factor. Dr. Ripplinger may recommend specific treatment or a special product that can address the underlying cause of your bad breath.


Yellow or Stained Teeth


Cracked or Fractured Tooth