Dry Mouth- Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is a condition of reduced saliva in the mouth. While this may sound harmless, if you experience prolonged symptoms, it may be the cause of more serious side effects.
Symptoms of dry mouth include:
Bad Breath
Hoarse Voice
Frequent feeling of thirst
Dry feeling of the tongue, mouth or throat
Mouth Sores
Difficulty tasting, chewing and swallowing
Saliva also works to prevent bacteria and infection in our mouth. When there is not adequate saliva, we are at higher risk for gum disease, tooth decay, dry nasal passages and oral yeast infections.
What Causes Dry Mouth?
Causes of xerostomia are varied and include side-effects of some prescription medications and medical disorders such as diabetes, lifestyle choices such as chewing tobacco or smoking, and nerve damage. Conditions that cause dehydration, such as fevers, vomiting, excessive sweating, diarrhea, burns or blood loss can also lead to the development of dry mouth.
Some methods to treat dry mouth include:
Drinking increased amounts of fluid water
Making a conscious effort to increase breathing through your nose rather than your mouth
Limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption
Using a humidifier/vaporizer
Using a fluoridated toothpaste to help prevent tooth decay
Sucking on sugar-free candy or gum
If these remedies are not sufficient, talk to your dentist about products that can be purchased through their office such as:
MI Paste: a topical tooth cream that can replenish crucial vitamins and minerals on your tooth's surface
GC Dry Mouth Gel: a product that provides a protective coating over teeth and oral tissue.
Dry mouth and the symptoms it presents can be problematic and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available. Talk to Dr. Ripplinger if you are suffering from persistent dry mouth and he will help you come up with an effective approach to treat it.